With all kinds of exciting things! The grand opening at the
Itty Bitty Scrap Shack has been awesome, the message board is filling up with all kinds of cool chicks and it's been a blast hanging out and getting to know everyone. We're having an online crop tonight in the new chat room, so if you find yourself at home and scrapping, why not pop over and see what kind of inspiration you can find...there's sure to be tons!
CHA is sneaking up on us quick-like...and I've been busy working with some new stuff for Creative Imaginations. Cute stuff. Fun Stuff. But stuff that's kept me very busy...like sunup to sundown busy for the past week. Not a lot of free time for all the other stuff I wish I were doing...like laundry and dishes and my all-time favorite free time activity, cleaning the toilet. Pppfffttt. I was at Stayce's till 11:30 last night gluing paper leaves on tree branches (don't ask). So yeah, to say it's been a busy week is an understatement.
I did manage to sneak in ONE layout this week just for me:
Lookit how cute my grams is! She's 87 years old, and sharp as a whip...truly an inspiration in every sense of the word. I don't see her nearly enough, and so I think I'll put this one up on the
scraproom wall, so we can visit a little each day.
Hope you all have a fab weekend!
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